Please don't nibble on my Sugared Fruit... looks tasty but it's only for decoration!
For my centerpiece, I used a quince, an orange, an apple, a few limes and Seckel pears, and some cranberries. For this batch I used the whites from 2 eggs and about 1 cup of plain ol' sugar.
This is my first attempt at Sugared Fruit, but it won't be my last. It was easier than I thought it would be, and even though my results weren't perfect, you get the general idea.
To achieve this old-fashioned look, I used raw egg whites, so I wouldn't recommend eating my centerpiece, but it is kinda' tempting!
I read about 3 different ways to make Sugared Fruit and I'll pass them along to you. Again, I've only tried the Egg White Method.
Very important: No matter which method you employ, you must wash the fruit first, in case it has wax on it. You also need to let it dry AND it needs to be room temperature. Got it? If you don't follow this advice you'll be sorry. Trust me on this one.
Once the fruit is properly prepped, you need to brush something sorta' sticky onto it for the sugar to adhere to. Get creative. You can use regular sugar, sanding sugar, unrefined sugar, or just about an type of granular decorative sugar.
Egg White Method (unsafe to eat):
Brush a thin layer of lightly beaten egg whites onto the fruit and sprinkle with sugar. The first layer will sink into the egg white coating. The second layer might too. Just sprinkle on some sugar until it looks good.
Set fruit aside on a piece of waxed paper to dry.
Let stand at room temperature for up to 24 hours.
Unflavored Gelatin Method (safe to eat):
In a microwave-safe bowl, sprinkle 1 packet unflavored gelatin (like Knox) over 1/4 cup cold water; let stand for 1 minute.
Microwave on high for 1-2 minutes, stirring every 20 seconds, until gelatin is completely dissolved. Whisk until slightly frothy.
Lightly brush mixture over all sides of each piece of fruit, working on one at a time, then set fruit aside on a piece of waxed paper to dry. Alternatively, you can place the fruit on a wire rack over waxed paper. Sprinkle with sugar, turning fruit to coat all sides.
Let stand at room temperature for up to 24 hours.
Meringue Powder* Method (safe to eat):
Make a mixture of 1/3 cup meringue powder mixed with 3 to 4 Tbs. water, then paint fruit until it's lightly coated.
Sprinkle with sugar, being sure to coat the fruit on all sides. Set aside on waxed paper and let stand at room temperature until dry, which might take anywhere from 2 to 24 hours.
*Meringue powder can be found at stores selling baking & cake decorating supplies.
I added a few berries and leaves from my yard. Don't eat those either!